Make a Difference for Wildlife


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Why Your Support Is Needed

Funding is sought to help sustain and enhance efforts to create public awareness and conservation of wildlife in communities adjacent to the Queen Elizabeth National Park in Uganda. Since 2002, volunteer educators have provided wildlife presentations and educational materials to more than 500 schools. To date, over 425,000 children, teachers and parents have learned about native flora and fauna and the importance of protecting natural systems for future generations. This educational effort of the private, non-profit Kasese Wildlife Conservation Awareness Organization (KWCAO) has directly benefited and protected animals in Uganda, as well as the ecosystems in which they live. Additional funding will support KWCAO’s ability to serve many more children attending the more than 900 schools in Kasese District.

Donate Below!

Make a donation to KWCAO and help us create wildlife awareness among students, teachers and parents throughout Uganda’s Kasese District. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and all donations are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law. Our tax ID number is 35-2286153.

Employer Match: Check with your employer’s HR department about matching gift policies.

Your gift of any size makes a difference.

  • $5 Will buy 10 native tree seedlings to be planted at schools; or
  • Will provide 250 students with animal trading cards
  • $10 Will provide lunch and transportation for a field conservation educator
  • $25 Sends a student on a field trip to the Queen Elizabeth National Park; or
  • Provides 1000 students with animal trading cards
  • $50 Will allow KWCAO conservation educators to reach more than 2000 students in a day
  • $100 Will help keep the Wildlife Conservation Resource Center open for 2 months
  • $250 Will purchase gasoline for the generator for six months to be able to serve schools without electricity
  • $500 Will provide a year of teaching resources (books, videos, animal models); or
  • Will purchase 10 tables and 60 chairs for the Wildlife Conservation Resource Center; or
  • Will provide transportation for books and supplies from the United States to Uganda
  • $1000 Will fund a field trip to Queen Elizabeth National Park for 50 students and teachers; or
  • Will provide 50,000 students with animal trading cards
  • $2000 Will send 100 students and teachers on a field trip to Queen Elizabeth National Park; or
  • Will provide 100,000 students with animal trading cards
  • $15,000 Funds a year of KWCAO’s work where we serve over 115,000 students, teachers, and parents. This includes but is not limited to animal trading cards for every student, presentations at 135 schools, Wildlife Conservation Resource Center office and two lifetime experience field trips for 200 students and teachers to Queen Elizabeth National Park

Your support helps us run these programs

Sowing the Seeds of Conservation

Connecting Children to Nature through Field Trips to Queen Elizabeth National Park

Community Engagement

A Multi-pronged Approach to Engaging the Community in Wildlife Conservation

Creating Conservation Impact in School-Aged Children

Introducing Wildlife Conservation Practices through Interactive Video Presentations, Tree Planting, and Wildlife Clubs.

Environmental Preservation and Restoration

Tree planting is a large part of habitat restoration and conservation and KWCAO plants approximately 3,000 to 4,000 trees in the district every year. 

Wildlife Resource Center

Relevant information enables people to create a positive change within their community.


To create a greater conservation impact, we expanded our efforts to protect the environment through the promotion of sustainable activities.


We support the community by helping schoolchildren create their own wildlife clubs.

Alternative Livelihoods

KWCAO is meeting the community’s growing need for conservation education by reaching out to the adult members of the community.